Album Review- Todd Mosby: Land of Enchantment

Todd Mosby

(from the Todd Mosby website) An award winning musician from Missouri with jazz, folk-rock and Indian raga influences, Todd Mosby is a musical storyteller and landscape artist. He uses the guitar to whisk listeners away to a borderless realm where jazz, North Indian, composition and folk-rock create transformative experiences.

I was sent in this album this week and I though it was intriguing because of the sun imagery, and because its called Land of Enchantment. When I started to listen to the album it reminded me of the new music coming out now a days. This album had a lot of the basso nova elements, and also had the jazz that we are seeing now a days. Todd Mosby is an award winning musician from Missouri, and he’s influenced by jazz and Indian raga.

Land of Enchantment is a great album, and ad mentioned before I think it’s great music to study to. My favorite song in the album is Moonrise Samba, mainly because I love the samba genre and I think the song does it justice. If you’d like to check out the album you can listen to it on Spotify or on the Tobb Mosby website. If you’d also like to know more information about Todd, feel free to check his website by clicking here!

If you have any album recommendations or would like your album to be featured, be sure to send your CD’s to UAF Wood Center - Student Media Offices 1731 S. Chandalar, Fairbanks AK 99709